Woman's Wing Of Washington DC
Soaring in Serice
Abetting the least, the last, the lost, and the forgotten while elevating the lives of those we serve in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Women's Wing provides a variety of educational, social, and community programs for Adults in Washington DC and throughout the country. Below are some of the programs offered by Women's Wing.
Men & Women’s Programs
Life Skills (See Below)
Intervention (See Below)
Parenting Support Services (NEW!)
Legal Referrals
Annual Single Women & Single Mothers Conference
Life Skills:
Women's Wing Life Skills program provides group members with support in developing skills for everyday living. This can include (but not limited to) self-care, financial guidance, social skills, home development, relationship building, domestic violence support, and personal responsibilities.
This personalized Life Skills group focuses on drug, alcohol, and recidivism intervention skills. In small groups, participants focus on developing effective coping mechanisms and support for dealing with factors in (and out) of their control.
Parenting Support Services:
Women's Wing is proud to offer Parenting Support Services for all parents within our community. Whether they have been recommended via CPS/Court-mandated services, or simply wish to develop meaningful skills to aid in developing positive, productive community members, Woman's Wing provides small-group or individual support and comprehensive skill-based learning opportunities for all parents.