Woman's Wing Of Washington DC
Soaring in Serice
Abetting the least, the last, the lost, and the forgotten while elevating the lives of those we serve in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Women’s Wing Organization is fortunate to have the support of our wonderful communities. Whether volunteering, participating in a fundraising event, or making a donation, your support is greatly appreciated.
Women's Wing accepts a donations from all across the spectrum, from Paypal to Square Cash. It’s quick, easy, and secure! You will also receive your thank you receipt after completing the transaction. Just click the appropriate link below to continue.
And, as always, your donation is tax deductible.
Or if you prefer, you may mail us your check or money order to:
Women’s Wing Organization
P.O. Box 91707
Washington, DC 20090
Need help with giving donation? Please call Women's Wing at (202) 827-5117 or (240) 487-9688