Woman's Wing Of Washington DC
Soaring in Serice
Abetting the least, the last, the lost, and the forgotten while elevating the lives of those we serve in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Life Coaching
Life Coaching is one of Woman's Wing signature services. Woman's Wing provides life coaching for both individuals and groups. Woman's Wing offers coaches with a variety of experience including career counseling, marriage, executive coaching, parenting, child, family, incarceration and more. As part of our life coaching services, Woman's Wing focuses on:
- Mentoring
- Development and Enhancement
- Court-Ordered Supervision
- Personal Accountability
- Goal Setting
- Court Etiquette
- Trauma and Bereavement
- Chemical Dependence
- Homelessness
Restorative Justice is a hallmark of Woman's Wing life coaching. Woman's Wing often teaches restorative and empathy communication in conjunction throughout the process with the participant(s) to develop or strengthen communication practices and spur growth from within the individual. In addition, participants can expect to receive guidance in the areas of goal setting, personal and social responsibility, relationship and career development, etiquette, and job placement (where applicable).
In short, Women's Wing Life Coaching is focused on ensuring that our participants experience the change in their life that they are seeking. Please reach out to us on the CONTACT page for more information on how WE can help you today!