Woman's Wing Of Washington DC
Soaring in Serice
Abetting the least, the last, the lost, and the forgotten while elevating the lives of those we serve in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Woman's Wing offers a multitude of youth programs for children of all ages based around REE (Recreation, Education, Empowerment). These include:
Youth Reading Voyage
Summer Leadership & Mentoring Program
Precious Jewels & Distinctive Gentleman – girls & boys age 6 to 12
Child of Incarcerated Parents
Youth Reading Voyage:
The Women’s Wing, in partnership with DCPS elementary schools, coordinates a monthly Reading Voyage. Women's Wing guest readers motivate and enrich children for future success through focus on the fundamentals of reading by engaging students, involving communities in the educational progress of reading, and broadening the territories of students.
Summer Leadership Program:
Women's Wing offers a comprehensive summer youth program for teenage students, giving them valuable experience in leadership, civic preparedness, and ethics both at home and in their communities. Woman's Wing provides students with support in resume building, job search, home skills, and community development.
Precious Jewels & Distinctive Gentleman:
Women's Wing offers a comprehensive youth leadership and mentorship program for children aged 6-12. This 5 step program provides students an opportunity to learn comprehensive life skills, ethics, civic responsibility at home and in their communities.