Woman's Wing Of Washington DC
Soaring in Serice
Abetting the least, the last, the lost, and the forgotten while elevating the lives of those we serve in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Woman's Wing's second signature program are the incarcerated citizens program. No matter their involvement with the judicial system, Woman's Wing believes that all citizens deserve an opportunity to show value to their community, integrate into society, and be given the life skills and support needed to break the cycle of recidivism that plagues people around the world. Our services include:
REED Program (See Below)
Incarcerated Families Program (See Below)
Community Service
Activism & Support
Workforce Development
"Tithings and Joy:" Annual Christmas Celebration for Children of Incarcerated Parents
Inmates and Returning Citizens Programs
The Women’s Wing REED ((Re-entry, Education, Empowerment, Development) Program is designed to provide intervention services and participant involvement for incarcerated citizens. Woman's Wing works in concert with the citizen to aid in their reintegration to the community through citizenship and enhancing public safety. As we continue to advocate, our participants are held accountable for their role and actions while Women's Wing holds them to higher standards.
Incarcerated Families Program
Women's Wing provides comprehensive services for families of incarcerated citizens, as we recognize that no one "does time" alone. Women's Wing provides participant families with:
Communication Support
Mentoring Services
Family Unification
Restorative Communication
Empathy Communication
Life Coaching
Life Skills
Incarcerated Citizens